Pick and Place Robots

Attain production speed, consistency, output, and custom requirements with easily-programmable, modular pick and place robots that can function in a limited space. In addition to these benefits, pick and place robotics relieve workers of monotonous tasks, boost strategic decision-making and productivity, and create a safer work environment. Every minute you save during the robot’s operation on the factory floor drives costs down and facilitates a quicker return on investment.

The high-speed operations of pick and place robots depend on the decisions and analysis conducted during the entire process before their deployment. That is why choosing a superior automation partner like B2E Automation, which relies on each industry’s best practices, is crucial for success. Successful pick-and-place robot integrations begin with kinematics and a dynamics analysis that account for joints, inertia, and constraints. This is followed by a preliminary design with multi-body analysis that provides invaluable insights into collision detection, swept volumes, loads, and forces that act on each component while optimizing the structure, ensuring durability, and saving costs.

Although pick and place robots are versatile, manufacturing units prefer to place them on a stable stand or integrate them within a system, positioned to reach different areas to perform tasks with multiple end-of-arm tooling configurations for various applications including assembly, packaging, or bin-picking.

Choosing the Right One – Types of Pick and Place Robots

With all the various configurations available, picking the one that is most suitable for your operational process is imperative. Here are some important factors to consider:

  • Number of Axes and Degree of Freedom: Generally, more axes equate to increased mobility. Consider order fulfilments, where items are placed upon a conveyor, picking bin, or a packaging container. In this scenario, four to five axes suffice. Six or more axes are chosen for jobs that require rotation or linear movement to handle tasks within their work area.
  • Reach: The maximum horizontal and vertical handling space is crucial. The robot’s maximum horizontal reach is the distance from its base center to the endpoint of its customer end of the arm attachment, whereas the maximum vertical reach is from the robot’s base to the wrist’s maximum height.
  • Repeatability: Repeatability is the ability to pick and drop items at the exact same position for each completed cycle. Electronic circuit boards and other high-precision jobs require perfect repeatability with a zero-tolerance radius of less than 0. 5 mm.
  • Speed: Improved productivity and efficiency with the pick and place robot mean consistent material handling operations at their required rates. B2E Automation always ensures that your robotic solutions perform operations at or above your operation speed to flawlessly run peak demand periods.
  • Configuration: Availability of multiple configurations such as articulate robot – fixed with rotary arms, a spherical robot with linear and rotational movements, and cylindrical robots with horizontal, vertical, and rotational axes. Despite a pick and place robots’ flexibility, dimensions, nozzles, and latitudes constrain their movement and place of deployment.
  • Payload: The maximum weight (end-of-arm tool and picked product) transferred from one point to another. We ensure your pick and place solution possesses the capability to pick your heaviest inventory, fully extend its arm and place it precisely on the target location.

With the configurations mentioned above, the pick and place robots divide into:

  • Robotic Arm: The most common robot type where a standard 5-axis robotic arm picks and places items on a single plane. In contrast, a 6-axis robotic arm performs more complex applications, such as twisting and re-orienting the object before placing it on the target location.
  • Cartesian: Multiple plane application with movement in three orthogonal axes (X, Y, and Z Cartesian coordinates). With a better positioning accuracy than 6-axis robotic arms, we construct these robots with all types of linear actuators and drive mechanism types (belt, ball, or lead screw mechanisms).
  • Delta: Utilized in group applications with placement in assembly patterns and containers, delta robots’ advanced vision enables them to distinguish size, shapes, and color variations. The most common Delta configuration is three-arms operating on four axes, with heavy motors fixed to a frame. Their lightweight arms connect to linking rods with ball joints at either end of each arm that allows movement.
  • Collaborative: Collaborative robots augment human work by leading workers to pick locations and guiding them on each step. Real-time route optimizations and time management improve work efficiency.
  • Fast pick: Ideal for use in medium and high-volume applications where high-velocity SKUs, such as promotional items, are available. Fast pick robots can pick up to 300 SKUs hourly from up to 8 SKU pools.

How Can you Leverage Pick and Place Robots?

With the wide variety of configurations and types of robotic solutions available, the opportunities are endless. However, the most important aspect by far is the customization to fit your specific production requirements and needs.

  • Flex Feeding empties components from bulk onto a conveyor for a pick and place robot.
  • Part Sorting enables sorting based upon shape, color, size, barcode, location, and placing the part on the target location in the correct orientation.
  • Packing requires the robot to pick a part and then place it into a packaging container or load and then stack it on pallets.
  • Bin Picking selects components from a pin (even randomly mixed parts) and places them onto the target location with the correct orientation.
  • Inspection functions of a pick and place robots remove defective parts before the next production stage.
  • Assembly applications require the pick and place robots to pick incoming components and place, insert, join, or fix with another on the target location.
Pick and Place Robot

Set Yourself Up for Significant and Measurable Success!

Our engineering and automation experts deliver a high level of reliability that meets your operational and functional requirements. Reach revolutionizing throughput levels per cycle, identify virtually unlimited products on the conveyor, achieve 0 mm placement error, and much more.

Partner with B2E Automation and allow our robotics expertise to revolutionize your operations.

Reach out to learn more about how B2E Automation's solutions can help transform your business.