Logistics and Warehousing

Modern supply chains have become a complex network of automated processes, transactions, and activities. However, legacy equipment will not bridge the gap by itself to Logistics 4.0. The era of hand trucks, hydraulic pallet jacks, scissor lifts, or hydraulic cranes has transitioned beyond electro-mechanical pallet trucks, towline conveyors, electro-mechanic conveyors, or cranes.

The leading logistics and warehousing solutions equip themselves with Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs), automated storage and retrieval systems, horizontal carousels, vertical lift modules, mobile autonomous rack systems, collaborative robot systems, autonomous vehicle storage and retrieval systems, and other virtually unlimited numbers of automation solutions like cyber-physical systems, big data, and Logistics Internet of Things (LIoT).

We understand the trends. However, how can we help you reach the top?

The industry has achieved Logistics 4.0 through cooperation, connectivity, integration, autonomous control, adaptiveness, and cognitive improvement. Technology is essential in implementing these characteristics, and they enable companies to create integrated plans, execution systems, smart procurement and warehousing, logistics visibility, advanced analytics, and spare parts management. These advances allow for vertical integration from suppliers to customers, horizontal integration among peer organizations, and autonomous decentralized decision-making. As you establish your logistics strategies and organizational redesigns, B2E Automation will focus on how the industrial revolution and automation can transform your logistics and warehousing processes in exciting new ways.

Automated storage and retrieval systems can greatly increase warehouse efficiency
Increase efficiency and optimize costs with automated inbound logistics

Automating Inbound, Put Away, Outbound, and Return – Science of Adopting the Right Strategies

Practical inbound logistics strategies enable companies to manage processes to gain visibility and gain control over their operations, whether it is restocking the bestseller, introducing new products, or processing returns. Even when you only consider the steps involved in inbound freight – the inventory arriving that needs to be cataloged, sorted, checked for damage, optimization slots reviewed, and other related processes – the complexity can be daunting. However, automating inbound freight lowers the freight-related expenditures as shipment tenders begin to be streamlined by utilizing advanced algorithms, which reduces compliance violations and supply chain volatility. In addition to automating inbound and put away, automating outbound logistics brings unprecedented speed, efficiency, and safety.

Integrating Smart Warehousing and Best Practices

Traditional warehouses function as a vast space ready to receive and store inventory. However, smart machines and systems benefit end-to-end information and communication technology-based integration that includes all operations. Logistics 5.0 expects humans, devices, and resources to communicate efficiently and continuously with uniquely identifiable products with embedded location history and status with alternative routes to reach the target state. Moreover, autonomous robots and warehousing systems can control and configure themselves according to the situation, negotiate spare capacity between warehouses, and decide the best course of action.

Adapting Logistics 4.0 for Improved Workflows

As a manufacturing industry, automating logistics and warehousing includes the entire product or service lifecycle – from raw materials to production stages, transportation, storage, and delivery to the final consumption location. It includes the integration of a plethora of industry 4.0 tools molded to serve the logistics and warehousing industry.

Data gathered from the logistics internet of things provides the means to increase efficiency

Connectivity with Logistics Internet of Things (LIoT) and Big Data Analytics

Experts highlight three primary categories for LIoT – warehousing operations, freight transportation, and last-minute deliveries. Consider IoT cockpits in warehouses that improve operational efficiency by real-time monitoring through graphical visualizations. The visualizations represent the aggregated operational data from scanner sensors and material handling equipment.

In addition to meaningful data interpretations and immediate reengineering of process and warehouse designs (such as potential safety blind spots), it also builds safer workplace practices. Stakeholders utilize descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive big data from all elements in a warehouse environment. Moreover, companies can deliver predictive, data-driven solutions to the supply chain through machine learning algorithms and smart analytics.

Advanced Robotics, Simulations and Digital Twins

Imagine fully automated picking cells with 3D and 2D image processing with the ability to pick 2400 units per hour effortlessly. It leads to major productivity increases and retains the same high quality compared to manual picking.

However, complete system overhauls are not always going to be practical solutions to legacy systems. Companies with limited resources can still employ simulation modeling and digital twins to understand, predict, and optimize performance to achieve better industry outcomes with increased readability and availability, reduce risk, and lower maintenance costs with a faster return on investment.

Integrating robots to handle automated picking increases worker safety and operational scalability

Blockchain is More than Bitcoin

Combined with other automation drivers in the logistics, supply chain, and warehousing industry, Blockchain helps organizations achieve cost savings through leaner, more automated, and error-free processes. It adds visibility and predictability to logistics operations, accelerates the physical flow of goods, enables smarter contracts, and eradicates the need for a third party to act as contract intermediaries. More importantly, engraved regulations in the blockchain code render contracts unalterable and transparent to all stakeholders.

In addition to the benefits, tracking products becomes more manageable with shareable data with relevant stakeholders. It improves each product's safety and authenticity throughout the value chain.

Step into the World of Logistics 4.0

Partner with B2E Automation to add both brains and brawn to your current logistics and warehousing systems. We analyze your current systems, company goals, and resources to achieve visibility, speed, accuracy, analytics, reporting with improved compliance, and an environment focused on workplace safety. The opportunities extend to long-term benefits that we would love to see you achieve.

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